So, hi! I'm Zoe. I made this website and all the booklets for this project which coincidentally is also my honors thesis for the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State. This was two years of hard work and lots of plant research. It doesn't have everything, but I hope it has enough to get you started. Please reach out and contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. I cannot wait for you to get out there and start planting up this turf-infested world! It's going to be fantastic!
I know you read a lot of stuff already but I would just like to say one more thing...
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. Plant a flower. Plant a tree. Plant something native. You don't have to plant a whole garden at first if you aren't quite ready. If you live in an apartment, plant a window box. Every patch of grass and bare spot of dirt has the potential to be a garden. There are natives at those big box garden centers if you look hard enough. Just put one native plant in the ground, and you are already on your way to something truly beautiful.