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Time to Design

Now that you've read a little about plants and planting design, it's time for you to do it yourself! If you feel a little overwhelmed thinking about plant selection and arrangement, here are a few yard templates to help you out. Booklets for each template provide a convenient little package of information about each design.

What's Inside the Yard Template Booklet?

Existing Conditions

What the yard looks like right now, including shady, sunny, and wet spots. This diagram informs what kind of plants can be planted there.

Planting Template

Exactly what you think it is. A suggested planting template for the yard given the goals of the design (described on the front cover) and the existing conditions.

Phasing Diagram

A suggested way to break up the installation into smaller pieces. You can really do it in whatever order you want. The phasing order based on priority areas and trying not to leave awkward gaps between the first phase and the final.

Species List

A rundown of basic qualities and additional notes for each of the species identified in the design. If you are looking to replace a plant in the suggested palette, you can use the information on this chart to find a species with similar characteristics that will also thrive in your yard.

Additional Tips

Some additional considerations to take into account before, during, and after you plant.

4-Season Task Calendar

Some things like soil amending and planting should be done at certain times to avoid unwanted plant death. This calendar helps you spread out your tasks over the season to help with timing.


(All are PDFs)

1. The whole booklet with everything listed above. There are four for you to download and look through.

2. A full-sized version of only the planting design template that can be printed out on two 8.5" x 11" sheets and taped together

3. A full-sized version of only the planting design on one 11" x 17" sheet. This is better for viewing online or printing if you have a printer that can handle a sheet-size of that magnitude.

Sunny & Dry

This design focuses on planting in a rectangular lot that is predominantly sunny and dry with some surrounding trees. It aims to create privacy from adjacent neighbors and to attract butterflies. A central lawn space is kept in the back and smaller lawn is kept in the front.

Click to download

Yard Designs_Designs_v2_exp8_Sun Dry.png

Sunny & Wet

This template is designed for a sunny and wet yard with no surrounding shade trees. Planting replaces most of the existing lawn, including an island of planting to take advantage of the wet spot in the middle of the yard. It aims to attract hummingbirds and pollinators as well as create winter interest.

Click to download

Yard Designs_Designs_v2_exp8_Sun Wet.png

Shady & Dry

This shady and dry lawn is completely covered in the front with various fern species, blooming ground covers, and sedges that help with erosion control. The back yard is bordered by existing shrubs.

Click to download

Yard Designs_Designs_v2_exp8_Shade Dry.p

Shady & Wet

This shady and wet, rectangular lot is planted with attractive blooms that tolerate more saturated conditions. Plantings stay around the house and at the back border of the yard.

Click to download

Yard Designs_Designs_v2_exp8_Shade Wet.p

What's Next?!

With these templates in your back pocket and your new knowledge about plants and basic planting design, you are oh so close to a beautiful new garden. But every garden requires a little love and care to get established. Check out some helpful maintenance tips that will give your perennial pals the best chance of survival.


Spring 2019


An honors thesis by Zoe Roane-Hopkins

Thesis Advisor

Ken Tamminga

Honors Advisor

Larry Gorenflo

Schreyer Honors College

College of Arts & Architecture

Department of Landscape Architecture


LAST UPDATED  November 2022

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